Kāpēc ARETE?

Arete (Greek: ἀρετή) means “excellence of any kind”. May also mean “moral virtue”. For greeks it was bound up with «fulfilment of purpose»: living up to one’s full potential.

This project aims to promoting pupil’s flourishing at school from a virtue ethics perspective.


“Effectiveness research of an online curriculum for virtue education in Latvian educational institutions (from grades 1 to 12)”

Funding institution: Latvian Council of Science; Funding number: lzp-2021/1-0385

Tapuši jauni zinātniskie raksti un rīki programmas ‘e-TAP’ izmantošanai

Šajā mēnesī divi raksti iesniegti publicēšanai ievērojamos žurnālos: Scalzo, G., Fernández González, M. J., & Akrivou, K.  “A Personalist Approach to Business Ethics: New Perspectives for Virtue Ethics and Servant Leadership” žurnālā Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility; un Maslo, I., Fernández González, M. J., & Surikova, S.  “Connecting fit, feasibility, and teachers’ capability: […]