Raksti žurnālos/Papers


Mārcis Auziņš. Visuma tumšā puse. Klubs, janvāris 2012, 22. lpp. pdf

Mārcis Auziņš. 2011. Pusnakts Latvijā. Pilna versija – saīsināts variants laikrakstā Diena. pdf

Mārcis Auziņš. Visuma tumšā puse jeb fiziku “taisa” cilvēki. Pilna versija, pdf. Saīsināts variants žurnālā Klubs.

Mārcis Auziņš, Latvija krustcelēs, jeb pagrieziena punkts. New York Times, Diena. Pārmaiņu laiks, 2011-2012, 16-17 lpp. pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, I. Fescenko, L. Kalvans, and M. Tamanis; Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances for systems with J ∼ 100 observed in K2 molecules, Physical Review A 85, 013421 (2012),  pdf


M. Auzinsh, Risk and Crisis Management: The Case of the University of Latvia, In: Leadership and Governance in Higher Education –  Handbook for Decision-makers and Administrators, Raabe academic publishers (Berlin), 2011, page D12-1, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Domu valoda, Klubs, janvāris 2011, 22. lpp., pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Kafijas pauze, Klubs, februāris 2011, 16. lpp., pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Kauciens pēc Karla Solomona, Klubs, marts 2011, 16. lpp, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Lēnuma slavinājums, Klubs, aprīlis 2011, 16. lpp., pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, A. Atvars, Cascade coherence transfer and magneto-optical resonances at 455 nm excitation of cesium, Optics Communications 284 (2011) 2863 – 2871, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Augstas skolas, zemi griesti, Politika.lv, Publicēts portālā 2011. gada 8. februārī, html

Mārcis Auziņš, Latvia Will Be Saved by Idealists, In: Baltic states in 2030, BNS 20th Anniversary Essays, BNS, 2011, page 65.

Mārcis Auziņš, Iekļūt starp pirmajiem, Rīgas Laiks, 2011. gada aprīlis, 9. lpp.

Mārcis Auziņš, Ceļš uz pasaules līmeņa izglītību un zinātni, raksts portālā SAKI.lv 2011. gada 5. aprīlī. html

Mārcis Auziņš, Tie fantastiskie krabji, Klubs, maijs 2011, 20. lpp., pdf

G. Hakhumyan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, D. Sarkisyan, M. Auzinsh, High-spatial-resolution monitoring of strong magnetic field using Rb vapor nanometric-thin cell, Optics Communications 284 (2011) 4007–4012, pdf

M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin, and J. Troe, Mutual Capture of Dipolar Molecules at Low and Very Low Energies. II. Numerical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 5027–5037, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Tauriņa efekts, Klubs, jūnijs, 2011, 18.-19. lpp., pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Meditācija tējas dzeršanas laikā par skaitli septiņi, Klubs, jūlijs, 2011, 18.-19. lpp., pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Tad uz veco vietu …, Klubs, augusts, 2011, 18. – 19. lpp., pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Students un sosi fan tutte, Klubs, 2011, septembris 20.-21. lpp., pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, I. Fescenko, L. Kalvans, and M. Tamanis, Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances for systems with J ~ 100 observed in K2 molecules, arXiv:1110.1255v1 [physics.atom-ph], pdf

M. Auzinš, Reformas – nevis pašmērķis, bet nepieciešamība, DF Diskusiju Forums, Nr. 4, Augusts 2011, 9. – 10. lpp.

M. Auzinsh, A. Berzins, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, L. Kalvans, A. Mozers, and D. Opalevs, Conversion of bright magneto-optical resonances into dark at xed laser frequency for D2 excitation of atomic rubidium, arXiv:1111.6432v1 [physics.atom-ph] 28 Nov 2011, pdf


L.Kalvans, M. Auzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, A.Papoyan, and D. Sarkisyan, Modelling magneto-optical resonances in atomic rubidium at D1 excitation in extremely thin cells while maintaining a self-consistent set of theoretical parameters, Modern Optics and Photonics. Atoms and Structured Media p. 289-303, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2010), pdf

Марцис Аузиньш, Латвийский университет: мы готовы создавать новые ценности (krievu valodā), Raksts publicēts Eirāzijas universitāšu asociācijas izdotajā monogrāfijā – Par zinātniskajiem pētījumiem un zinātnsikajām skolām, Maskavas Universitātes izdevniecība, 2010, 51. – 60. lpp, pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber,  F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans,  A. Papoyan, D. Sarkisyan; Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of 85Rb and 87Rb in an extremely thin cell; Physical Review A 81, 033408 (2010), 10 pages,  pdf

Marcis Auzinsh, Risk and Crisis Management (University of Latvia Example), submitted for publication in the Handbook on Leadership and Governance in Higher Education, prepared by EUA, pdf

G. Hakhumyan, D. Sarkisyan, A. Sargsyan, A. Atvars, and M. Auzinsh, Investigation of Rb D1 Atomic Lines in Strong Magnetic Fields by Fluorescence from a Half-Wave-Thick Cell, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2010, Vol. 108, No. 5, pp. 685–692, pdf

V. M. Acosta, A. Jarmola, D. Windes, E. Corsini, M. P. Ledbetter, T.
Karaulanov, M. Auzinsh, S. A. Rangwala, D. F. Jackson Kimball, and D. Budker, Rubidium dimers in paraffin-coated cells, arXiv:1005.0215v1 [physics.atom-ph] 3 May 2010, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Nācijas nākotne top universitātēs, IR, 2010. gada 7. jūlijā, html

V M Acosta, A Jarmola, D Windes, E Corsini, M P Ledbetter, T Karaulanov, M Auzinsh, S A Rangwala, D F Jackson Kimball and D Budker, Rubidium dimers in paraffin-coated cells, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 083054, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Sveiciens maniem radiem Āfrikā, Arābijā, Laukskolā un Zvejniekos, Klubs, 2010, Augusts, pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, A. Atvars
Cascade coherence transfer and magneto-optical resonances at 455 nm excitation of cesium, arXiv:1010.2123v1 [physics.atom-ph] 11 Oct 2010, pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Brīva izvēle – domāt vai nedomāt, Klubs, oktobris, 2010, 32. lpp.

Mārcis Auziņš, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Klubs, decembris 2010, 77. lpp.


M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe, Lambda-Doubling Spectroscopy in the Low-Temperature Capture of NO(X2Π1/2) in Low Rotational States by C+ Ions, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 014304 (10 pages), 2009. pdf

M. Auziņš, Quo Vadis Latvija, Viedokļraksts, Diena, Ceturtdiena, 29. janvāris, 2009. pdf

M. Auziņš, Nākotne ir tagadnes sekas, Delfi, 19. februāris, 2009, pdf

T. Kirova, A. Ekers, N. N. Bezuglov, I. I. Ryabtsev, M. Auzinsh, and K. Blushs, Conditions and limitations for resolutions of hyperfine structures in the Autler-Townes spectra, in: Proceedings of the MPLP Symposium (Novosibirsk, Russia, 2008), to be published in Laser Phys, pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, Detailed studies of non-linear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of Rb-85 and Rb-87 for partially resolved hyperfine F-levels, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 79, 053404 (pages) (2009); arXiv:0903.0524v1 Atomic Physics (physics.atom-ph), pdf

M. Auziņš, Nākotne sākas šodien, Latvijas Vēsture, 27 – 29, 1 (73), 2009, pdf

M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, S. Rochester, Light-induced polarization effects in atoms with partially resolved hyperfine structure and applications to absorption, fluorescence, and nonlinear magneto-optical rotation, arXiv: 0908.2666v1 [physics.atom-ph] 19 Aug 2009, Phys. Rev. A80, 053406, 22 pages, 2009, pdf

M. Auziņš, Latvijas Universitāte: mēs esam gatavi radīt jaunas vērtības, pieņemts publicēšanai žurnālā – Akadēmiskā dzīve, pdf

Г.Ахумян, Д.Саркисян, А.Саргсян, А. Атварс, М.Аузиньш; Исследование атомных линий D1 Rb в сильных магнитных полях с помощью флуоресценции от ячейки c толщиной L=λ/2, Submitted to Optics and Spectroscopy, pdf

M. Auziņš, No kvantitātes uz kvalitāti – vai esam gatavi pārmaiņām augstākajā izglītībā? Dienas Bizness, 2009. gada 28. august, pdf

M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, L. Kalvans, A. Papoyan, and D. Sarkisyan. Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of 85Rb and 87Rb in anextremely thin cell. arXiv:0909.5081v1 [physics.atom-ph] 28 Sep 2009, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, pdf

Auzinsh, M., Malitskiy, R.A., Matsnev, I.V., Negriyko, A.M., Romanenko, V.I., Khodakovskyy, V.M., Yatsenko, L.P., Studies of dark resonances in Rb ratoms in the field of light pulse train, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Volume 54, Issue 10, 2009, Pages 974-982,  pdf


M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe, Nonadiabatic transitions between lambda-doubling states in the capture of a diatomic molecule by an ion, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 184304 (11 pages) (2008), pdf

2. M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, and L. Kalvans, F-resolved Magneto-optical Resonances at D1 Excitation of Cesium: Experiment and Theory, Phys. Rev. A 78, 013417 (2008); arXiv:0803.0201v1 [physics.atom-ph] 3 Mar 2008, pdf

M. Auziņš, Latvijas Universitātes atbildība par zinātnes attīstību Latvijā, Referāts LU 66. konferencē. Latvijas Vēsture, jaunie un januākie laiki. 2008, 1 (69), 1-12, pdf

A. Sargsyan, G. Hakhumyan, A. Papoyan, D. Sarkisyan, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh, A method for the quantitative study of atomic transitions in a magnetic field based on an atomic vapor cell with thickness L =l, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, 021119 (2008); arXiv:0508.2539v1 [physics.atom-ph] 16 May 2008, pdf

V. M. Acosta, M. Auzinsh, W. Gawlik, P. Grisins, J. M. Higbie, D. F. Jackson Kimball, L. Krzemien, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, D. Budker, Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth’s magnetic field. Optics Express, vol. 16, no 15, 21. July 2008, 11423 – 11430, Please see additional movies created by Simon Rochester and not included in the initial publication Animation of the Experiment F=2->F’=1; Animation of the Experiment F=2->F’=2, pdf

M. Auzinsh, N. N. Bezuglov and K. Miculis, Manipulation of Dark States and Control of Coherent Processes with Spectrally Broad Light, Phys. Rev. A, 053415 – 1 – 10, 2008, arXiv:0809.1211v1 [physics.atom-ph] 7 Sep 2008; included also in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science – December 2008, Volume 7, Issue 12, pdf

M. Auzinsh, E. I. Dashevskaya, I. Litvin, E. E. Nikitin and J. Troe, Lambda-Doubling Spectroscopy in the Low-Temperature Capture of NO(X2Π1/2) in Low Rotational States by C+ Ions, submited to J. Chem. Phys. (2008), pdf

M. Auzins, Scientiae et Patriae, Latvia and Latvian Business, manuskripts, 2008, pdf

E. Grēns, J. Ekmanis, M. Auziņš, Rotaļas ar zinātni, Diena, 30. septembris, 2008, pdf


M. Auzinsh, K. Blusss, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. S. Safronova, U. I. Safronova, and M. Tamanis, Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D5/2 states of 133Cs and validation of relativistic many-body calculations of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants; Phys. Rev. A; 2007, 022502 (2007), pdf

Mārcis Auziņš, Pastāvēs kas mainīsies, Virzītājspēks, rakstu krājums par augstāko izglītību Latvijā, Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, 2007, 153 – 169, pdf

M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. Tamanis, Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D states of Cs in an external electric field, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6604, 66040F-1-5 (2007), pdf

A.Atvars, M. Auzinsh, E.A. Gazazyan, A.V. Papoyan, S.V. Shmavonyan, Implementation of a double-scanning technique for studies of the Hanle effect in Rubidium vapor, The European Physical Journal D, Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics, 2007 accepted, arXiv:physics/0703172v1 16 Mar 2007, pdf

C. Andreeva, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh, K.Bluss, S. Cartaleva, L. Petrov, and D. Slavov, Ground-state magneto-optical resonances in Cesium vapour confined in an extremely thin cell, arXiv: 0704.3010v1 [physics.atom-ph] 23 Apr 2007, Physical Review A 76, 063804, (2007), pdf

T. Varzapetjan, G. Ahumjan, V. Babushkin, S. Sarkisyan, A. Atvars, M. Auzinsh, Behavior of atomic spectral lines in a magnetic field in a nano-cell with thickness equal to lambda, Izv. Nac. Akad. Nauk, T.42, N 6, p. 338-347 (2007), pdf

V. M. Acosta, M. Auzinsh, W. Gawlik, P. Grisins, J. M. Higbie, D. F. Jackson Kimball, L. Krzemien, M. P. Ledbetter, S. Pustelny, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, and D. Budker, Production and detection of atomic hexadecapole at Earth’s magnetic field, arXiv:physics/0709.4283v5, [physics.atom-ph] 26Sept 2007, pdf


Marcis Auzinsh, Kaspars Blush, Ruvin Ferber, Florian Gahbauer, Andrey Jarmola, and Maris Tamanis, Electric Field Induced Symmetry Breaking of Angular Momentum Distribution in Atoms, Physical Review Letters, 97, 043002(4) (28 July, 2006), arXiv.org , physics/0603194, pdf

J.Zaharova, O.Nikolayeva, M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, A.Zaitsevskii, E.A.Pazyuk, and A.V.Stolyarov, Experimental and theoretical studies of Lambda-doublings and permanent electric dipoles in the low-lying singlet Pi states of NaCs, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 184318-1-8 (2006), pdf

3. M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. Tamanis, Electric field induced hyperfine level-crossings in (nD)Cs at two-step laser excitation: experiment and theory; Optics Communications, special issue, Quantum Control of Light and Matter – In honor of the 70th birthday of Bruce Shore, 264 (2006) 333–341, pdf

M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. S. Safronova, U. I. Safronova, and M. Tamanis, Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D5/2 states of 133Cs and validation of relativistic many-body calculations of the polarizabilities and hyperfine constants; Phys. Rev. A; 2007, in press arXiv.org, physics/0611072, pdf

5. M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. Tamanis, Level-crossing spectroscopy of the 7, 9, and 10D states of Cs in an external electric field, submitted to SPIE Proceedings, pdf


1. D. Sarkisyan, A. Papoyan, T. Varzhapatyan, K. Blushs, M. Auzinsh, Fluorescence of Rb in a sub-micron vapor cell: spectral resolution of atomic transitions between Zeeman sublevels in moderate magnetic field, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B/Vol. 22, No. 1/January 2005, 88 – 95, pdf

E. B. Alexandrov, M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, Dynamic effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B Vol. 22, No. 1/January 2005, 7 – 20, pdf

A. Zaitsevskii, E. A. Pazyuk, and A. V. Stolyarov, O. Docenko, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, M. Auzinsh, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Permanent electric dipoles and L-doubling constants in the lowest 1P states of RbCs, Phys. Rev. A, 71, 012510 (2005), pdf

M. Auzinsh, K. Blushs, R. Ferber, F. Gahbauer, A. Jarmola, M. Tamanis, Electric field induced hyperfine level-crossings in (nD)Cs at two-step laser excitation: experiment and theory; Submitted to Optics Communications, special issue, focussed on “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, to be published on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Bruce Shore. (arXiv:physics/0511035 v1 4 Nov 2005), pdf


Sarkisyan, D., A. V. Papoyan, T. S. Varzhapetyan, K. Blush, M. Auzinsh, Zeeman Effect on the Hyperfine Structure of the D1 Line of a Submicron Layer of 87 Rb Vapor, Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 96, No. 3, 2004, pp. 328–334, pdf

Blush Kaspars, Auzinsh Marcis, Validity of Rate Equations for Zeeman Coherences for Analysis of Nonlinear Interactions of Atoms with Laser Radiation, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 69, 2004, 063806 (9 pages), (arXiv:physics/0312124), pdf

Sarkisyan David, Papoyan Aram, Varzhapetyan Tigran, Alnis Janis, Blush Kaspars, Auzinsh Marcis, Sub-Doppler spectroscopy of Rb atoms in a sub-micron vapor cell in the presence of a magnetic field, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 2004, 6, S142–S150, pdf

Auzinsh Marcis, Manipulation of Atoms and Molecules with Laser Radiation and External Fields, in: Theory of chemical reaction dynamics, A. Lagana’, G. Lendvay, Eds., NATO Science Series C, Kluwer, New York, 2004, pp. 447-466, pdf

M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester J. E. Stalnaker, A. O. Sushkov, V. V. Yashchuk, Can a quantum nondemolition measurement improve the sensitivity of an atomic magnetometer? Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (17) 173002 (2004) (arXiv: physics/0403097), pdf

6. D. Sarkisyan, A. Papoyan, T. Varzhapatyan, K. Blushs, M. Auzinsh, Fluorescence of Rb in a sub-micron vapor cell: spectral resolution of atomic transitions between Zeeman sublevels in moderate magnetic field, JOSA B, accepted, pdf

E. B. Alexandrov, M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester, V. V. Yashchuk, Dynamic effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules, arXiv: physics/0405049, JOSA B, accepted, pdf

M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, D. F. Kimball, S. M. Rochester, J. E. Stalnaker, A. O. Sushkov, V. V. Yashchuk, Stark shift noise in QND measurement arising from quantum fluctuations of light polarization, arXiv: physics/0407125, pdf

9. A.Zaitsevskii, E.A.Pazyuk, and A.V.Stolyarov, O.Docenko, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis, and R.Ferber, Permanent electric dipoles and Λ-doubling constants in the lowest 1Π states of RbCs, Phys. Rev. A, accepted, pdf

Raksti līdz 2004 gadam

Auzinsh, M.P., I.Y. Pirags, R.S. Ferber, and O.A. Shmit, Direct measurements of thermalisation rate of ground state of K_2 molecules. JETP Lett., 1980. 31(10): p. 554 – 557, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., R.S. Ferber, and I.Y. Pirags, K_2 ground-state relaxation studies from transient process kinetics. Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 1983. 16: p. 2759 – 2771, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Manifestation of the six-order polarization moment in the Hanle-effect signal of the electronic ground state of dimers. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1983. 55(6): p. 674 – 575, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Observation of quantum-beat resonance between magnetic sublevels with delta M = 4. JETP Lett., 1984. 39(8): p. 452 – 455, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, On the manifestation of ground state polarization moments in transient process kinetics of diatomic molecules (in Russian). LSSR Academy of Sciences News, Physics and Technical Sciences, 1984. 1 p. 16 – 20, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., On the solution of the rate equations for polarization momenta in case of large angular moments. LSSR Academy of Sciences News, Physics and Technical Sciences, 1984. 1: p. 9 – 15, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Classical treatment of optical pumping of molecules by expansion to multipoles (in Russian). LSSR Academy of Sciences News, Physics and Technical Sciences, 1985. 3: p. 3 – 9, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., A.E. Suvorov, and R.S. Ferber, Description of nonlinear resonance beats of diatomic molecules in the model of dipoles (in Russian). LSSR Academy of Sciences News, Physics and Technical Sciences, 1985. 6: p. 49 – 52, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Exceeding the classical limit of the degree of polarization under the nonlinear Hanle-effect of diatomic molecules. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1985. 59(1): p. 6 – 9, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Oriented gas of diatomic molecules in magnetic field. Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 1985. 30(8): p. 923 – 927, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., M.Y. Tamanis, and R.S. Ferber, Simultaneous determination of the Lande g factor and relaxation rate of the ground state for diatomic molecules using Hanle effect. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1985. 59(6): p. 828 – 829, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., M.Y. Tamanis, and R.S. Ferber, Observation of Quantum Beats in the Kinetics of the Thermalization of Diatomic-Molecules in the Electronic Ground- State. JETP Letters, 1985. 42(4): p. 160-163, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Polarization moments in a state with high angular momentum. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1986. 60(2): p. 248 – 250, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., M.Y. Tamanis, and R.S. Ferber, Zeeman quantum beats after optical depopulation of the ground electronic state of diatomic molecules. Sov. Phys. JETP, 1986. 63(4): p. 688 – 693, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., R.S. Ferber, Y.A. Harya, and I.Y. Pirags, The Effect of Collisions on the Intensity and Polarization of Laser-Induced D1-Pi- X1-Sigma+ Fluorescence from Nak. Chemical Physics Letters, 1986. 124(2): p. 116-120, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., M.Y. Tamanis, and R.S. Ferber, Determination of the sign of the Lande factor of diatomic molecules in the ground and excited state by Hanle effect. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1987. 63(5): p. 582 – 588, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Polarization of laser-excited fluorescence of diatomic molecules and the magnetic field effect. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1987. 63(6): p. 721 – 725, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., K.A. Nasyrov, M.Y. Tamanis, R.S. Ferber, and A.M. Shalagin, Resonance of quantum beats in a system of magnetic sublevels of the electronic ground state of molecules. Sov. Phys. JETP, 1987. 65(5): p. 891 – 897, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Hanle effect in the ground electronic state of dimers with allowance for the finite value of angular momentum. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1988. 65(2): p. 153 – 156, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Influence of thermal motion of particles on lifetime measurements (in Chenese). Spectroscopy and spectroscopoc analysis, 1988. 8(2): p. 5 – 12, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., M.Y. Tamanis, R.S. Ferber, and Y.A. Kharya, Influence of thermal motion in laser fluorescence lifetime measurements using 80^Se_2 as an example. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1989. 67(6): p. 750 – 753, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Nonlinear parametric and relaxation resonances of the quantum beats. LSSR Academy of Sciences News, Physics and Technical Sciences, 1989. 6: p. 3 – 7, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Optical orientation and alignment of high-lying vibration-rotation levels of diatomic molecules under their fluorescence population. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1989. 66(2): p. 158 – 163, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Study of the electronic ground state of molecules by polarization-spectroscopy methods. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1989. 67(5): p. 616 – 619, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Possibility of experimental observation of the influence of the dynamic Stark effect on the polarization of laser-induced fluorescence of dimers. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1990. 69(2): p. 182 – 185, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Nonlinear phase resonance of quantum beats in the dimer ground state. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1990. 68(6): p. 750 – 752, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Optical polarization of diatomic molecules. Sov. Phys. Uspekhi, 1990. 33(10): p. 833 – 861, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Orientation of atoms and molecules under excitation by elliptically polarized light. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1990. 68(2): p. 149 – 152, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Orientation of molecules in the ground state by linearly polarized light with a wide spectral profile. Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1990. 68(5): p. 695 -697, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., K.A. Nasyrov, M.Y. Tamanis, R.S. Ferber, and A.M. Shalagin, Determination of the Ground-State Lande Factor for Diatomic- Molecules by a Beat-Resonance Method. Chemical Physics Letters, 1990. 167(1-2): p. 129-136, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., The influence of the optical pumping of molecules on the polarization of laser induced fluorescence. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Physics, 1991. 1: p. 3 – 10, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Optical-Pumping of Diatomic-Molecules in the Electronic Ground- State – Classical and Quantum Approaches. Physical Review A, 1991. 43(5): p. 2374-2386, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., General Restrictions for the Relaxation Constants of the Polarization Moments of the Density-Matrix. Chemical Physics Letters, 1992. 198(3-4): p. 305-310, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., Dynamic Stark-Effect Action on Optical-Pumping of Atoms in an External Magnetic-Field. Physics Letters A, 1992. 169(6): p. 463-468, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, J-Selective Stark Orientation of Molecular Rotation in a Beam. Physical Review Letters, 1992. 69(24): p. 3463-3466, pdf

Stolyarov, A.V., I.P. Klincare, M.Y. Tamanis, M.P. Auzinsh, and R.S. Ferber, Rotational Magnetic-Moment of the Na-2 Molecule in a-1-Sigma-U+ State – Perturbation Effects. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1992. 96(5): p. 3510-3522, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P. and R.S. Ferber, Emergence of Circularity at Linear Polarized Excitation of Molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1993. 99(8): p. 5742-5747, pdf

Klincare, I.P., M.Y. Tamanis, A.V. Stolyarov, M.P. Auzinsh, and R.S. Ferber, Alignment-Orientation Conversion by Quadratic Zeeman-Effect – Analysis and Observation for Te2. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1993. 99(8): p. 5748-5753, pdf

Stolyarov, A., I. Klintsare, M. Tamanis, M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, and N. Kuzmenko, Quadratic Zeeman-effect as a test for intramolecular perturbation – application to the 1(u)- state of Te-130(2) molecules. Vestnik moskovskogo universiteta, seriya 2 khimiya, 1993. 34(6): p. 612 – 615, pdf

Auzinsh, M.P., I.P. Klincare, A.V. Stolyarov, M.Y. Tamanis, and R.S. Ferber, Occurance of circular polarization in Te_2 fluorescence due to quadratic Zeeman effect. SPIE Proceedings, 1994. 2205: p. 233 – 237, pdf

Auzinsh, M., R. Ferber, and A.V. Stolyarov, Separation of Quadratic and Linear External-Field Effects in High J Quantum Beats. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1994. 101(7): p. 5559-5565, pdf

Auzinsh, M., Alignment-Orientation Transition at Optical-Excitation of Molecules in Magnetic-Field. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1995. 349: p. 265-268, pdf

Auzinsh, M., A.V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Magnetic field induced alignment-orientation conversion: Nonlinear energy shift and predissociation in Te-2 B1(u) state. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1996. 105(1): p. 37-49, pdf

Auzinsh, M., A.V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Magnetic predissociation in Te_2 B 1_u. SPIE Proceedings, 1997. 3090: p. 189 – 193, pdf

Auzinsh, M., I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, A.V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Stark level crossing and optical-RF double resonance in NaK D singled Pi. SPIE Proceedings, 1997. 3090: p. 194 – 198, pdf

Auzinsh, M., I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, A.V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Studies of rotational level Lambda-doubling by rf-optical double resonance spectroscopy: Application to NaK D-1 Pi. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1997. 410: p. 55-58, pdf

Auzinsh, M., Angular momenta dynamics in magnetic and electric field: Classical and quantum approach. Canadian Journal of Physics, 1997. 75(12): p. 853-872, pdf

Tamanis, M., M. Auzinsh, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, A.V. Stolyarov, and R. Ferber, NaK D-1 Pi electric dipole moment measurement by Stark level crossing and e-f mixing spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1997. 106(6): p. 2195-2204, pdf

Truhins, K., Z.T. AlWahabi, M. Auzinsh, A.J. McCaffery, and Z. Rawi, Polarization of emission in asymmetric rotors .1. The effects of elastic collisions, electron and nuclear spins. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1997. 106(9): p. 3477-3484, pdf

Auzinsh, M., A single atom as quantum interferometer. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Physics, 1998. 2: p. 39 – 50, pdf

Tamanis, M., M. Auzinsh, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, and A. Zaitsevskii, NaK Lambda doubling and permanent electric dipoles in low-lying (1)Pi states: Experiment and theory. Physical Review A, 1998. 58(3): p. 1932-1943, pdf

Tamanis, M., M. Auzinsh, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, R. Ferber, A. Zaitsevskii, E.A. Pazyuk, and A.V. Stolyarov, Lifetimes and transition dipole moment functions of NaK low lying singlet states: Empirical and ab initio approach. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1998. 109(16): p. 6725-6735, pdf

Auzinsh, M., The evolution and revival structure of angular momentum quantum wave packets. Canadian Journal of Physics, 1999. 77(7): p. 491-503, pdf

Kennedy, S., K. Dharmesena, S. Moser, M. Auzinsh, and N.E. Shafer-Ray, A method to obtain meV-collision-energy resolution in scattering studies: application to the H+D-2 -> HD(nu ‘=0,j ‘)+D(theta(rel) HD(v ‘=0,j ‘=7)+D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV. Physical Review Letters, 2000. 84(19): p. 4325-4328, pdf

Nikolayeva, O., M. Auzinsh, M. Tamanis, and R. Ferber, Electric field induced alignment-orientation conversion in diatomic molecules: analysis and observation for NaK. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1999. 481: p. 283-287, pdf

Alnis, J. and M. Auzinsh, Alignment-orientation conversion in molecules in an external magnetic field caused by a hyperfine structure. European Physical Journal D, 2000. 11(1): p. 91-97, pdf

Auzinsh, M. and R. Damburg, A simple formula for ground state energy of a two-electron ion. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Physics, 2000. 5: p. 16 – 22, pdf

Kendrick, B.K., L. Jayasinghe, S. Moser, M. Auzinsh, and N. Shafer-Ray, Observation of predicted resonance structure in the H+D-2 -> HD(v ‘=0,j ‘=7)+D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV. Physical Review Letters, 2000. 84(19): p. 4325-4328, pdf

Nikolayeva, O., I. Klincare, M. Auzinsh, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, A. Zaitsevskii, and R. Cimiraglia, Permanent electric dipoles in B (1)Pi and D (1)Pi states of NaRb: Experiment and theory. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000. 113(12): p. 4896-4900, pdf

Alnis, J. and M. Auzinsh, Angular-momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by an external magnetic field. Physical Review A, 2001. 6302(2): p. art. no.-023407, pdf

Alnis, J. and M. Auzinsh, Reverse dark resonance in Rb excited by a diode laser. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2001. 34(20): p. 3889-3898, pdf

Auzinsh, M., R. Ferber, O. Nikolayeva, N. Shafer-Ray, and G. Tamanis, Influence of the Stark effect on the fluorescence polarization of X-1 Sigma ->(BII)-I-1-state laser-excited NaRb: application to the direct imaging of electric fields. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2001. 34(4): p. 624-630, pdf

Auzinsh, M., L. Jayasinghe, L. Oelke, R. Ferber, and N. Shafer-Ray, Strobe imaging of electric fields by depolarization of Rydberg states of Hg. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2001. 34(12): p. 1933-1938, pdf

Auzinsh, M., Symmetry breaking of angular momentum distribution of diatomic molecules in an external field. Physica Scripta, 2001. T95: p. 12-16, pdf

Kendrick, B.K., L. Jayasinghe, S. Noser, M. Auzinsh, and N. Shafer-Ray, Observation of predicted resonance structure in the H+D-2 -> HD(v ‘ = 0,j ‘ = 7)+D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV (vol 84, pg 4325, 2000). Physical Review Letters, 2001. 86(11): p. 2482-2482, pdf

Zaitsevskii, A., S.O. Adamson, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, O. Nikolayeva, O. Docenko, I. Klincare, M. Auzinsh, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, and R. Cimiraglia, Energy and radiative properties of the low-lying NaRb states. Physical Review A, 2001. 6305(5): p. art. no.-052504, pdf

Papoyan, A.V., M. Auzinsh, and K. Bergmann, Nonlinear Hanle effect in Cs vapor under strong laser excitation. European Physical Journal D, 2002. 21(1): p. 63-71, pdf

Alnis, J., K. Blushs, M. Auzinsh, S. Kennedy, N. Shafer-Ray, and E.R.I. Abraham, The Hanle effect and level crossing spectroscopy in Rb vapour under strong laser excitation. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2003. 36(6): p. 1161-1173, pdf

Kaufmann, O., A. Ekers, K. Bergmann, N. Bezuglov, K. Miculis, M. Auzinsh, and W. Meyer, Velocity redistribution of excited atoms by radiative excitation transfer. I. Experimental demonstration by photodissociation of Na-2 and field-free imaging. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2003. 119(6): p. 3174-3186, pdf

Nikitin, E., E. Dashevskaya, J. Alnis, M. Auzinsh, E.R.I. Abraham, B.R. Furneaux, M. Keil, C. McRaven, N. Shafer-Ray, and R. Waskowsky, Measurement and prediction of the speed-dependent throughput of a magnetic octupole velocity filter including nonadiabatic effects. Physical Review A, 2003. Vol. 68: p. 023403-1 – 023403-8, pdf

Papoyan, A., D.H. Sarkisyan, K. Blush, M. Auzinsh, D. Bloch, and M. Ducloy, Magnetic Field–Induced Mixing of Hyperfine States of the Cs 62P3/2 Level Observed with a Submicron Vapor Cell. Laser Physics, 2003. Vol. 13, No. 12: p. 1467-1477, pdf